Make a Garment a Month Challenge

Happy New Year to everyone.

Here is a pic of the dress under construction.
It just needs the neck facing turning under and the sleeves setting in.

I have actually finished this dress but I'm waiting for some decent light to take a photograph of it.
It only took me two days to complete even though I did a lot of hand tacking.
I love speed when sewing but hand tacking really makes a difference when stitching with knits.

 I always used to worry about the hems being 'bumpy' and stretched until I found out that using a twin needle for the hem gives a brilliant result Just put in your ballpoint twin needle and turn the top tension down to 2 (experiment on a piece of scrap material first to see what looks best) and sew your hem.
This is what it looks like on the back.

Bye for now

Jolanda x


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